Jeudi 10 et vendredi 11 novembre 2016 aura lieu à l’Institut international de l’histoire sociale (IISG) à Amsterdam, un colloque international sur les traites négrières dans l’océan Indien (XVIe-XIXe siècles). Voici un bref résumé et les axes de recherche:
The workshop aims to cover European both Asian contexts. Topics related to the slave trade can cover, but are not limited to, processes of enslavement, practices of slave trade, slave prices, slave markets, estimates of the size of slave trade, shifts in slave trade routes, impact of slave trade, contestation of slave trade, impact of states and companies, regulation of slave trade, manumission.
- Size of slave trade
- Findings on the size and development of slave trade
- Estimates on the size and development of slave trade
- Slave trade routes, connections between regions and shifts over time
- Patterns of slave trade
- Findings on the functioning and character of slave trade and slave markets
- Findings on the (backgrounds of) slavers, slave traders and enslaved
- Findings on the (role of) intermediaries in the slave trade
- Sources on slave trade
- Availability of source material (European, Asian and other sources)
- Possibilities and limits of source material
- Opportunities for future research projects and collaborations
Voici le programme du workshop:
Thursday 10 November
11.00 – 11.10 Welcome Henk Wals, director IISH
11.10 – 12.00 Aims of the workshop Matthias van Rossum
13.15 – 14.30 New Perspectives on the History of Slave Trade
- Richard B. Allen, British and French slave trading in the Indian Ocean, 1620s-1830s
- Ulbe Bosma, Slave trade in the Netherlands East Indies, 1800-1900
- Comments: Alicia Schrikker
14.45 – 16.15 Slave Trade to South Africa
- Nigel Worden, The changing nature of Indian Ocean slave trading to the Cape Colony, 1652-1807
- Michael Charles Reidy, The Cape and Indian Ocean slave traffic, 1654 to 1795. An Overview
- Linda Mbeki, The private trade in slaves from the East to the Cape during the 18th-century
- Comments: Lodewijk Wagenaar
16.20 – 17.15 Exploring New Sources – Data Presentations
- Merve Tosun, Alexander Geelen, Bram van den Hout: Akten van Transport, Cochin, 18th century
- Linda van der Pol, Xanthe van der Horst: Mailrapporten, Netherlands East Indies, 19th century
Friday 11 November
9.15 – 10.45 Trade and Transition
- Hans Hägerdal, Slaves and slave trade in the Timor area: Between indigenous structures and external impact
- Jennifer L. Gaynor, Capture, colonial conflict, and archipelagic politics in the seventeenth century
- Rafaël Thiébaut, Some new insights on the French and Dutch Slave Trade on Madagascar (1596-1810)
- Comments: Filipa Ribeiro da Silva
11.00 – 12.15 Buying, Selling and Setting Free
- Kate J. Ekama, To be legally free: Manumission in eighteenth-century Colombo
- Titas Chakraborty, Dynamics and Demographics of slave trade in the VOC settlements of Bengal in the eighteenth century
13.30 – 15.00 Slave Trade and Slavery in the 19th Century
- Akanksha Narayan Singh, Aspects of Slavery and Slave Trade in 19th Century India
- Andreas Wilde, Sources for Research on the Slave Trade in the Persian Gulf (19th Century)
- Nira Wickramasinghe, [Slavery, trade and emancipation, Sri Lanka, early 19th century]
15.30 – 17.00 Closing discussion
- Conclusions Remco Raben
- Ways forward Preben Kaarsholm