Toronto/McGill Madagascar Workshop, October 12-14, 2017

Dear Colleagues:

We are pleased to announce the 12th “Toronto/McGill Madagascar Workshop,” which will be held at the University of Toronto, October 12-14, 2017. This workshop aims to bring together anthropologists, historians and other scholars who share an interest in Madagascar and its diaspora, and to provide a forum for participants to share current research and ideas.

The meeting will include formal presentations and informal discussion centered around thematic sessions as well as a conference dinner. We are pleased to announce that the keynote speaker will be documentary filmmaker Marie-Clémence Paes. The workshop will include a screening of her film, Passé sous silence (Madagascar 1947) at the Alliance Française on Thursday evening, October 12th. Workshop sessions will take place on Friday October 13th (and possibly Saturday October 14th, depending on the final number of participants).

The workshop organizers invite participants to present research on any topic related to the study of Malagasy society, language, and people. Poster presentations or related modes of visual display are also invited for consideration. Potential participants should indicate their interest to Sarah Gould and submit a provisional title and short abstract by June 15, 2017.

There are no registration fees, however participants will be expected to cover their own travel costs. We have reserved a block of rooms at the Holiday Inn Toronto (Bloor Yorkville) at a reduced conference rate.

For further information and updates, please see the 2017 workshop website: or contact Sarah Gould (at

Kindly circulate this notice to any other parties, including students, who might be interested in participating. We look forward to the workshop and hope to see you in Toronto!



Welcome to the 2017 Madagascar Workshop!

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Samuel F. Sanchez (3 mars 2017). Toronto/McGill Madagascar Workshop, October 12-14, 2017. Histoire des sociétés de l’océan Indien occidental. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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A propos Samuel F. Sanchez

Samuel F. Sanchez est historien, spécialiste des sociétés de l’océan Indien occidental et en particulier de Madagascar à l’époque moderne et contemporaine. Il est maître de conférences en histoire de l’Afrique contemporaine à l’université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne et rattaché à l’Institut des Mondes Africains. Après une thèse, soutenue en 2013 à l’université Paris Diderot, portant sur les interactions entre royaumes malgaches et réseaux mondialisés dans l’ouest de Madagascar au XIXe s., il a exercé les fonctions d’ATER dans cette université puis a bénéficié d’un contrat post-doctoral à l’UMR DIAL (Univ. Paris-Dauphine-IRD). Ses recherches portent sur l’histoire économique et sociale de Madagascar aux XIXe et XXe s. Il s’intéresse également à l’édition de textes anciens et aux systèmes monarchiques malgaches pré-XIXe s.

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